What are the possibilities?

What is allowed?

  • All letters ranging from a to z, accent letters included!
  • Only lower case letters are permitted
  • All numbers ranging from 0 to 9
  • The hyphen

What isn't allowed?

U can't use spaces, dots, commas, parentheses or other special characters


What is a TLD?

TLD stands for top level domain, it's the rightmost part of a domain.
A TDL is for example .be, .brussels, .vlaanderen, .gent, .com, .online, .io, .me, .eu, .cool ...

Because the price of a TLD can range from tens of euros (in most cases) to standouts of hundreds of euros, we work based on quotes.

Can I use every TLD?

No, not every TLD belongs to the possibilities. Some TLDs are reserved for companies, others for inhabitants of the concerning country.

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